Vocational Training Course

Vocational Training Courses

Our wide range of Vocational courses will allow you to excel in various industries

Gas Welding

1= Introducation and safety of Gas Welding
2= Controls, Voltage Amperage and Inductance settings
3= Types of material transfers
4= Types of filler wire and shielding gases
5= Joint design applications and preperation
6= Testing welding and rectify weld faults
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Electric Welding

1= Introduction and safety in Metal welding
2= Electrode types and selection
3= Amperage and Current setting for chosen electrode
4= Joint designs and preperations
5= Weld faults
6= Types of welding test methods

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1= Introduction to Electricians
2= Safety when working with High Voltage
3= Installations and wiring
4= Portable Appliance testing
5= Periodic Inspection and testing
6= Design, Erection and verification

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A/C Refrigeration

1= Introduction to Refrigeration systems
2= Methods of removing and transferring heat
3= Pressure change and affects on boiling point
4= Vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
5= Air properties and psychrometrics
6= Design and testing of full systems

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Professional Stitching

1= Introductions to Stitching and tools
2= Types of Sewing Machines
3= Fabrics and Patterns
4= Hand stitching and Special fabrics
5= Pattern Adjustments
6= Design and stitching full products

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CNC Lathe Operation

1= Introduction to Lathe Machines
2= Safety while operating Lathe Machines
3= Lathe tools and modes of operation
4= Lathe calibration and testing
5= Lathe machine speed control
6= Full product design with a lathe machine

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Course Details

Course Duration: 6 months

Course fee: Rs30,000/=

Fee Installments: 3 Installments Rs10,000/= each

Course Start Date: 1/10/2020

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