Short Software Courses

Short Software Course

Our Short Software course will enable you to use softwares to a professional standard in a short amount of time

Microsoft Office

1= Introducation to the MS Office Suite
2= Basic and Professional MS Word
3= Basic and Professional Powerpoint
4= Basic and Professional Excel
5= Advanced MS Outlook
6= Additional MS Office Programs
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Graphics design

1= Introduction to Graphics design
2= Design basics
3= Colour and basic typography
4= Advanced Typography and photography
5= Logo and Layout design
6= Design Systems and portfolio management

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Video Editing

1= Introduction to Video editing
2= Digital non-linear editing techniques
3= Multi-track audio elements
4= Deisgn electronics text and graphics in editing
5= Editing techniques using software applications
6= Animation design and Filters

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GIMP Graphics

1= Introduction to GIMP
2= Types of drawing tools
3= Advanced selection tools
4= Layers and Leyer masking
5= Advanced Text tools and Pattern tools
6= Finalizing designs and good design practice

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Audio Editing

1= Introduction to MIDI and Synthesis
2= Sound recording and portable recording
3= Post redcording and post audio editing
4= Sound design and Game Audio
5= Scripting and Professional Sound tools
6= Game design focused on Audio

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Youtube Video Production

1= Introduction to Youtube Video
2= Design and methodology of Videos
3= Editing videos for a wider audience
4= Understanding viral videos and their requirements
5= Techniques to convert viewers into subscribers
6= Long-term youtube account management

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Course Details

Course Duration: 6 months

Course fee: Rs30,000/=

Fee Installments: 3 Installments Rs10,000/= each

Course Start Date: 1/10/2020

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