CNC Machine Learning

CNC Machine

Our Extensive CNC Machine course will enable you to design and use professional CNC machinery for manufacturing

GCODE programming

1= Introduction to GCODE
2= Python programming
3= GCODE based positional manipulation
4= GCODE based motor control
5= Speed control via GCODE
6= Generating GCODE from designs

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CNC Lathe Operation

1= Introduction to CNC Lathe Machines
2= Safety while operating CNC Lathe Machines
3= CNC Lathe tools and modes of operation
4= CNC Lathe calibration and testing
5= CNC Lathe machine speed control
6= Adjustment to GCODE based on output

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CNC Milling Machine

1= Introduction to CNC Milling Machines
2= Safety while operating CNC Milling Machines
3= CNC Milling tools and modes of operation
4= CNC Milling calibration and testing
5= CNC Advanced Milling processes
6= Manual programming of GCODE to adjust final design
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3D Printers

1= Introduction to 3D printers
2= Types of 3D printers
3= Materials used in 3D printing
4= 3-Axis control of 3D printer
5= Support structures for complex designs
6= Adjustments to optomise design rigidity for final design
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Robotic Arms

1= Introduction to Robotic Arms
2= Types of Robotic Arms
3= 4-Axis control of Robotic Arm
4= Advanced 6-Axis Robotic arms
5= Different Applications of robotic arms
6= Robotic ARM automation and testing
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CNC EDM and Wire-cut

1= Introduction to EDM machines
2= Safety while operating EDM machines
3= Types of EDM machines
4= Materials used in EDM machines
5= 5-Axis based EDM machines
6= Wire cut EDM machines for fast prototyping
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Course Details

Course Duration: 6 months

Course fee: Rs30,000/=

Fee Installments: 3 Installments Rs10,000/= each

Course Start Date: 1/10/2020

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